Couple Therapy
Couple therapy sessions provide a safe, confidential, and non-judgmental space to work through distressing emotions, thoughts, and patterns between partners.
When working with a couple, Marie-Pier focuses on helping both partners develop trustworthiness toward each other, become more open to one another, and feel safe reaching out to each other in times of need. Her emphasis is on the emotional messages partners send to each other. Marie-Pier helps reverse negative cycles to create a new dance: the dance of closeness and connection.
Couples seeking therapy to repair their relationships often describe obstacles relating to communication, jealousy, and infidelity. An equally common issue affecting couples is sexual disorders or dysfunctions. Statistically, 50-70% of couples identify relationship distress originating from sexual problems. In a long-term relationship, sex acts as a form of attachment for couples, helping them feel safe and connected.According to research, couples typically wait six years before seeking help. Looking to find the right therapist to assist during challenging times is a humble first step toward a fulfilled relationship. Click here to read more about sex therapy for couple.
According to research, couples typically wait six years before seeking help. Looking to find the right therapist to assist in the challenging time is a humble first step toward a fulfilled relationship.

Marie-Pier is wonderful, personable and a very insightful therapist. We highly recommend her services as she provided us a safe and easy environment to deal with our relationship issues and help us rebuild a much deeper emotional connection. It is clear she is dedicated to her kraft, empathetic to all situations and brings clarity and compassion to each session, opening new doors and revelations that leads to a place of peace. Our lives are forever changed to a better and brighter existence that will last for a lifetime and beyond. Thank you, Marie-Pier!
We’ve never worked with anyone like Marie. She helps us grow and accomplish so much at EVERY single session. We always leave feeling like we’re in a much better place than we were when we walked into the session (even when we enter her office feeling very low and discouraged).
“In a safe secure relationship hurts happen and hurts are repaired. Injured partners can reach safely to share their pain. Offending partners tune into injured partners’ pain in an attuned way that shows they truly feel the painful impact. Emotionally attuned, reaching and responding restores the bond. “
Johnson, 2008
Concerns commonly addressed.
- There is too much distance in the relationship
- Presence of feeling that one partner feel uncared for or ignored
- Certain topics are avoided so partners won’t argue?
- Feeling criticized
- The arguments tend to go in circle and never get resolved
- The routine took over, the relationship misses momentums
- Affair and infidelity
- Adapting to the reality of becoming a parent
- Dealing with past or present repercussion of additive behaviors
What to Expect
Through our first few sessions, I am taking the time to unpack my clients’ reality and motif of consultation gently. These first sessions are fundamental because therapeutic work can only happen if there is a sense of comfort and trust in the room. While learning about my clients, I assess the situation, the presence of emotional patterns, recurrent challenges and clients’ strengths. I call this first stage de-escalation as we are looking to frame and identify the negative cycle that keeps individuals and couples stuck. At the end of this stage, clients begin to recognize their cycle as the enemy of their situation – are capable to step out of the cycle as it happens – express hope – and show openness to their partner or other individuals in their life.
During the second stage, clients begin to feel the benefits of the therapy. Individuals and couples can now access and engage with their emotional experience. Emotions are no longer foreign or frightening. The focus on this stage is restructuring the bond within oneself or between the partners. Clients describe it as the opening phase through which their fears are no longer triggering. They can be responsive and emotionally engaged with one another in a more natural manner. An inner sense of peace and bonding events mark the transition toward the third stage.
With the need for closeness being restored, clients are consolidating their therapeutic gain. They enact new positions in their ways of living and engage in constructive cycles with others, including their partner. The end of the final stage is no better to describe by the ability to turn towards a significant other in time of need with ease and comfort. In addition, couples are offering mutual support to each other and shape new solutions to pragmatic issues.

If you align with any of the above, and ready to step in a journey to live fully and freely, schedule a phone consultation to get started.